Tag Archives: EDNS

Das Domain Name System

Kaum ein anderes Element ist so essenziell für das Internet wie das Domain Name System. Ruckelts mal im DNS, reagieren Webseiten und überhaupt alle Internetanwendungen gleich langsamer oder gar nicht. Doch um Fehlerursachen zu ermitteln und zu beseitigen, brauchen Firmen- und Heim-Admins ein weitreichendes Verständnis der Zusammenhänge.

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DNS Capture: UDP, TCP, IP-Fragmentation, EDNS, ECS, Cookie

It’s not always this simple DNS thing such as “single query – single answer, both via UDP”. Sometimes you have some more options or bigger messages that look and behave differently on the network. For example: IP fragmentation for larger DNS answers that do not fit into a single UDP datagram (hopefully not after the DNS flag day 2020 anymore), or DNS via TCP, or some newer options within the EDNS space such as “EDNS Client Subnet” (ECS) or DNS cookies.

I won’t explain any details about those options, but I am publishing a pcap with that kind of packets along with some Wireshark screenshots. Feel free to dig into it.

Continue reading DNS Capture: UDP, TCP, IP-Fragmentation, EDNS, ECS, Cookie