Tag Archives: X-Forwarded-For

At a Glance: HTTP Proxy Packets vs. Normal HTTP Packets

I am currently in touch with a few HTTP proxy installations. As every time when troubleshooting network issues, I am looking at Wireshark on the network and trying to understand the different packets.

Here is a short overview of the differences between HTTP requests that are sent directly to the destination and HTTP requests that are sent via a proxy. Wireshark screenshots and a downloadable pcap round things up.

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Small “What-is-my-IP” script at ip.webernetz.net

Several years ago I built a little script to show my IP address, just as many other sites implement it. The difference to my script is that it doesn’t display any kind of commercial or other annoying stuff. Just the IP address and a few other information. The script is accessible at http://ip.webernetz.net.

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