iperf3 on a FortiGate

This is a really nice feature: you can run iperf3 directly on a FortiGate to speed-test your network connections. It’s basically an iperf3 client. Using some public iperf servers you can test your Internet bandwidth; using some internal servers you can test your own routed/switched networks, VPNs, etc. However, the maximum throughput for the test is CPU dependent. So please be careful when interpreting the results. Here we go:

I am using a FortiGate FG-90D with FortiOS v6.0.10. I don’t know whether this iperf implementation is present on all FortiOS releases on all FortiGates. On mine, it is. ;) Here is more information about iperf3.

You have to set at least the iperf client and server interface on the FortiGate in order to run it. The server interface is NOT used when testing the bandwidth to an external server. However, you have to specify it, otherwise, you’re getting an error. (You can test internal paths within the FortiGate <- that’s why you have to set the client and server interface. However, I don’t know whether these tests will have any value.) To test your ISP connection, you have to find a public iperf server, e.g., here or here. The FortiGate implementation of iperf does not accept hostnames, but only IP addresses.

Test, Test, Test

A basic run looks like this. Using port 5200 (in my example) and testing in both directions:

That is:

Other useful commands are:

They show the current configuration on the FortiGate (first one) and some more details about iperf itself:

Caveats, Caveats, Caveats

Unfortunately, here are some (major!) caveats: At first, the iperf implementation on the FortiGate is heavily CPU related. My FG-90D has a 1 Gbps uplink to the Internet. Running iperf3 on the Forti reveals only about 150 Mbps (see above), while the CPU usage immediately peaked at 100 %. Ouch:

Testing my ISP speed *through* the FortiGate from a Linux system behind it, iperf3 showed about 900 Mbps, while the CPU usage on the Forti stayed by about 3-5 %. Following is the bandwidth widget from the Forti during my tests:

Certainly this behavior is different on other FortiGates hardware. To be fair, my FG-90D is not the newest nor the biggest model. I have tested the traffictest feature on a FG-501E with FortiOS v6.2.5 which was able to receive 900 Mbps while only one out of eight cores peaked at about 25 %.

Second caveat: it’s not working with IPv6, but only with legacy IP. :(


Uh, that’s hard. In theory, this is a cool hidden feature. If you’re keeping track of your CPU usage you can probably use it for getting realistic results. Especially on links with small bandwidth.

However, if you really want to test your big ISP connection, you shouldn’t rely on it. Or to say it differently: If you’re getting the expected results with iperf on the Forti, you’re ok. If not, you don’t know why. ;(

PS: Happy Birthday Nicolai!

Photo by Harley-Davidson on Unsplash.

3 thoughts on “iperf3 on a FortiGate

  1. Does it work with VDOMs? I don’t see diagnose traffictest in my multi VDOM environment :-(

    1. Hm, I just looked at it. When you’re entering the global config with
      config global
      you should then be able to to the
      diagnose traffictest ...
      stuff. Don’t you?

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