Tag Archives: conditional forwarding

Das Domain Name System

Kaum ein anderes Element ist so essenziell für das Internet wie das Domain Name System. Ruckelts mal im DNS, reagieren Webseiten und überhaupt alle Internetanwendungen gleich langsamer oder gar nicht. Doch um Fehlerursachen zu ermitteln und zu beseitigen, brauchen Firmen- und Heim-Admins ein weitreichendes Verständnis der Zusammenhänge.

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It’s Always DNS – Poster

We all know the DNS, right? But when we need to troubleshoot it, it’s getting much more complicated than initially thought. DNS ≠ DNS ≠ DNS. And unfortunately: It’s Always DNS.

To get a better understanding of those different kinds of DNS servers (authoritative vs. recursive), DNS messages (recursive, iterative, zone transfer, …) as well as other techniques (conditional forwarding, DoH, …), I draw a poster to have it all at a glance! Here it is:

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Palo Alto DNS Proxy Rule for Reverse DNS

I am using the DNS Proxy on a Palo Alto Networks firewall for some user subnets. Besides the default/primary DNS server, it can be configured with proxy rules (also called conditional forwarding) which I am using for reverse DNS lookups, i.e., PTR records, that are answered by a BIND DNS server. While it is easy and well-known to configure the legacy IP (IPv4) reverse records, the IPv6 ones are slightly more difficult. Fortunately, there are some good tools on the Internet to help reversing IPv6 addresses.

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