Tag Archives: NetworkMiner

Joining an Active Directory: A Packet Capture

What happens on the network if you’re joining a Microsoft Active Directory domain? Which protocols are used? As I suspected, it’s a bit more complex than just seeing a single known protocol like HTTPS. ;)

Since a PCAP is worth a thousand words, I captured the process of a Windows PC joining an AD. Let’s have a look at it with Wireshark and NetworkMiner. And, as always, you’re welcome to download the packet capture to analyse it by yourself.

Continue reading Joining an Active Directory: A Packet Capture

Intro to NetworkMiner

This is a guest blogpost by Erik Hjelmvik, an expert in network forensics and network security monitoring at NETRESEC.

Wireshark is the default goto tool for analyzing captured network traffic for most network engineers. But there are a few other free and open source alternatives that are sometimes overlooked, one of which is NetworkMiner (disclaimer: I’m the creator of NetworkMiner).

Continue reading Intro to NetworkMiner

Apple AirPlay Capture

I was interested in how Apple AirPlay works in my network. I am using an iPad to stream music to a Yamaha R-N500 network receiver. There is a great Unofficial AirPlay Protocol Specification which already shows many details about the used protocols. But since I am a networking guy I captured the whole process in order to analyze it with Wireshark.

Following is a downloadable pcap if you want to have a look at it by yourself as well as some Wireshark and NetworkMiner screenshots for a first glance.

Continue reading Apple AirPlay Capture