Tag Archives: RRDtool

Stats from Participating the NTP Pool Project

I am participating in the NTP Pool Project with at least one NTP server at a time. Of course, I am monitoring the count of NTP clients that are accessing my servers with some RRDtool graphs. ;) I was totally surprised that I got quite high peaks for a couple of minutes whenever one of the servers was in the DNS while the overall rate did grow really slowly. I am still not quite sure why this is the case.

For one month I also logged all source IP addresses to gain some more details about its usage. Let’s have a look at some stats:

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Basic NTP Server Monitoring

Now that you have your own NTP servers up and running (such as some Raspberry Pis with external DCF77 or GPS times sources) you should monitor them appropriately, that is: at least their offset, jitter, and reach. From an operational/security perspective, it is always good to have some historical graphs that show how any service behaves under normal circumstances to easily get an idea about a problem in case one occurs. With this post I am showing how to monitor your NTP servers for offset, jitter, reach, and traffic aka “NTP packets sent/received”.

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Dump1090 ADS-B Stats

Genau das Richtige für mich: Viele Statistiken bzgl. des ADS-B Empfangs. Konkret laufen diese dump1090-tools lokal auf dem Raspberry Pi und werten das Log von dump1090-mutability aus. (Siehe meinem letzten Post zur Installation von dump1090.) Vorallem die Statistiken über die Anzahl der empfangenen Flugzeuge sowie den Empfangsbereich sind einfach zu verstehen und sehr interessant.

Die Installation dieser Tools ist ebenfalls sehr einfach – nur wenige Befehle. (Auch wenn ein alter Raspberry Pi 1 B dann über 30 Minuten zum Ausführen braucht.) Ziemlich out-of-the-box werden dann im 5 Minuten Takt neue RRDtool Grafiken erzeugt. Los geht’s:

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MRTG with RRDtool and Routers2 – Installation from Scratch

I always wanted to monitor my private network with an open source tool. Since I knew some nice statistics, e.g. from the DE-CIX (printed with RRDtool) or from the Uni-Gießen (generated with MRTG), I had the idea of installing such a system by myself. Luckily I found a book from Steve Shipway, called “Using MRTG with RRDtool and Routers2“, which actually disappointed me because it did not offer a complete installation guide but mainly further information about fine-tuning the appropriate tools.

Therefore, I want to show a complete step-by-step installation of all the needed tools in order to monitor a network with MRTG, RRDtool and Routers2.  “From scratch” means that there are no prerequisite to this installation guide except a plain Linux server (in my case a Ubuntu Linux) such as presented here. Okay, let’s go: Continue reading MRTG with RRDtool and Routers2 – Installation from Scratch